Light! Radiant light from behind my eyes. I am looking at my hands resting on my thighs with eyes closed.
Intentions set: I am a vessel; love; health; sharing; allowing; accepting; freedom…
Vibrations: I can feel them moving around the room. So much power and strength I can feel literally vibrating in my root chakra.
She is with me. My soulmate; my twin flame.
Mom and Caitlin come and go.
My teacher approaches…
Light! Radiant light coming through again. Hands on the back of my head and pulsing purple in various shapes behind my eyes with the pulsing blessing of her hands.
I smile… this is right…
Her hands move to my crown. I receive. Anjali mudra at my third eye as her hands cradle mine. She guides, I listen, I feel, I follow.
Still smiling.
So much light.
My hands are guided to my heart; so open and ready to give as well as receive. My hands have been reborn as they are placed back on my thighs… for the first time. My teacher’s hands cradle my head once more. They are taken away, but the energy remains.
I do not walk this path alone…
I am ready
I am