This Moment
Synergistic Sparkles of spirit and souls shine from within; feet FINALLY landed on common ground.
Lights, dancing like phosphorescent in the air; illuminate grateful smiles.
Hearts wide; hearts listening and speaking their sacred and primal language of connection and of knowing.
Windows invite every particle of that moment to join in the conversation.
Stoic and unfaltering, the loyalty goes unspoken as they are rooted into one another no matter how wild the winds may blow.
Flags unquestionably still; resting at last; deep peace; we have landed.
A, B, and C…forever they will heed the call flowing forth from Her who gave them their heartbeats; their precious lives. She gazes over with unspeakable contentment.
Three kids sitting together as if it were every yesterday and tomorrow did not exist. Now.
A sacred seed planted in the hearts of each.
Roots run deep, spanning across time and space.
This question that He posed…unforgettable…Kairos
Will always bring them back together existing within
This Moment.